Timmy the Mischievous Toy's Closet Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a mischievous toy named Timmy. Timmy loved to play hide and seek with his friends in the toy box. One day, Timmy decided to hide in the closet instead of the toy box. When Timmy's friends came looking for him, they looked everywhere, but they couldn't find him. They even looked under the bed. Suddenly, Timmy popped out from the closet and shouted, "I was in the closet the whole time!" Timmy's friends laughed so hard that they fell over, and Timmy became the best hider in the toy box from then on.


1) Where did Timmy hide?
2) Why did Timmy's friends look everywhere for him?
3) What made Timmy the best hider in the toy box?
4) How did Timmy's friends react when they found him?

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