The Great Salsa Adventure of the Veggie Bunch

Once upon a time, there was a group of friends, a chip, a tomato, an onion, and a cilantro. They all lived together in a big bowl and loved to have fun. One day, they wanted to make something special, so they decided to make salsa. They squeezed lemon juice, added pepper, salt, and started dancing in the bowl. But, just then, a big gust of wind came and scattered all the ingredients everywhere. The chip was stuck in a tree, the tomato rolled down the hill, the onion was hiding in a bush, and the cilantro was nowhere to be found. How will they come back together to make their delicious salsa? Find out in the next adventure of the Veggie Bunch.


  1. How did the Veggie Bunch come back together to make salsa?
  2. Why was the chip stuck in a tree?
  3. What happened to the cilantro?
  4. What did the friends learn about teamwork?

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