The Little Box's Magic Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little box that lived in a big room with a door and a window. The box always wanted to explore what was beyond its room, but it was too small to reach the door handle or the window latch. One day, the box stumbled upon a book that had fallen off a shelf. The book was filled with magic spells and the box decided to try one of them.

As the box recited the spell, a cage appeared out of nowhere and trapped it inside. The box tried to open the cage, but it was locked tight. Suddenly, the door to the room creaked open and a gust of wind blew the book into the cage with the box. Flipping through the pages, the box found a spell that would release it from the cage.

Reciting the spell, the box closed its eyes and wished for freedom. When it opened its eyes again, the cage had disappeared and the box was free to explore beyond its room. From that day on, the box never took its adventures for granted and always made sure to keep the magic book close by, just in case it needed to cast another spell.


  • What did the box want to know about its room?
  • How did the box escape from the cage?
  • What did the box learn from its adventure?
  • How might the story be different if the box couldn't find the magic book?
  • What would you do if you were the box in this story?

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