Sprout's Adventure in the Garden

Once upon a time, a seed named Sprout lived in a garden. One day, Sprout saw a fish swimming in a nearby pond and decided to go say hello. But as Sprout was walking, it noticed that all the leaves on the trees were falling down.

Suddenly, a bug flew by and landed on Sprout's shoulder. "What's going on?" asked Sprout.

The bug replied, "All the fruit is being harvested, so the leaves are falling to make room for new growth next year."

Sprout was amazed and inspired. It had never thought about how all the different parts of the garden worked together. So, Sprout decided to help out by becoming a leaf for the winter.

But when spring arrived, Sprout found that it had grown into a beautiful plant with lots of juicy fruit. The fish was thrilled to have a new snack, and the bug was delighted to have a new place to rest.

And from that day on, Sprout and its new friends lived happily ever after, enjoying the beauty and bounty of the garden. The end.


  1. Why did the leaves fall from the trees?
  2. How did Sprout help in the garden?
  3. What happened to Sprout in spring?
  4. What were Sprout's friends' reactions to the juicy fruit?

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