The Magic Smile and The Enchanted Ring

Once upon a time, there was a guy named Tim who loved to smile. He had the biggest grin on his face all the time, no matter what was happening. One day, Tim put on his favorite shirt and went for a walk. He passed by a watch store and saw a beautiful watch in the window. He fell in love with it, but he didn't have enough money to buy it.

As Tim walked away from the store, he stumbled upon a shiny ring lying on the ground. He picked it up and put it on his finger, and suddenly he felt like a king! He strutted down the street in his new shoes, feeling confident and happy.

But then, Tim realized that the ring was actually a magical ring that made everyone fall in love with him whenever he smiled. Everywhere he went, people were falling head over heels for him! Tim was having so much fun, but then he remembered the watch he had fallen in love with.

So, Tim put on his best smile and walked back into the watch store. The owner of the store couldn't resist his smile and gave him the watch for free! Tim was so grateful that he thanked the owner with a big hug and a big smile. And from that day forward, Tim always wore the ring and smiled, spreading love wherever he went.

The end.


  1. How does Tim feel when he wears the ring?

  2. Who gave Tim the watch in the end?

  3. Why was Tim so grateful to the owner of the watch store?

  4. What did Tim do that made everyone fall in love with him?

  5. Can you think of a time when you spread love with a smile?

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