Jungle Hide-and-Seek Adventure

Once upon a time in the jungle, there was a group of friends: a lion, a sea lion, a monkey, a tiger, a hippopotamus, a giraffe, an elephant, a bear and a dinosaur. They all loved to play together, but the problem was, they couldn't decide on what game to play.

One day, the monkey suggested they play hide-and-seek. The others agreed, and the tiger was chosen to be "it." The tiger closed his eyes and counted while the rest of the friends scattered to find hiding spots.

The lion squeezed into a cave, the sea lion dived into the river, the hippopotamus hid behind a tree, the giraffe stretched his neck up into the branches, the elephant trunked behind some bushes, the bear climbed into a hollow tree, the dinosaur crawled into a bush, and the monkey swung to the top of a tall tree.

When the tiger finished counting and opened his eyes, he looked around and couldn't find any of his friends. Suddenly, he heard a loud roar. It was the lion! The tiger followed the sound and found the lion hiding in the cave. The tiger tagged the lion and then went looking for the next friend.

And so it went, the tiger finding each friend one by one, until finally, he found the monkey who was laughing so hard that he couldn't keep still. The monkey had been hiding in plain sight the whole time!

From that day on, the friends never had trouble deciding on a game to play, and they always had a great time together. The end.


  1. Who was chosen to be "it"?
  2. Where did each animal hide?
  3. Who was the last one found in the game of hide-and-seek?
  4. Why was the monkey laughing so hard?
  5. What did the friends learn from playing hide-and-seek together?

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