Blink's Adventure: A Nighttime Story about Sunrise and Sleep

Once upon a time, there was a little light named Blink. Every nighttime, he would shine in the room to help people fall asleep. But, one day, he realized that he never got to see the sunrise. So, he decided to stay awake and watch it. But as the night went on, he started to feel tired. Just as he was about to close his eyes and go to sleep, the sun started to rise. Blink couldn't believe his eyes as he saw the beautiful colors of the sunrise. From then on, Blink made sure to stay awake every night, just so he could see the sunrise and be reminded of how amazing it is to see the world come to life every day. The end!


  1. What did Blink realize about the sunrise?
  2. Why did Blink decide to stay awake?
  3. What did Blink see when he stayed awake?
  4. How did Blink feel when he saw the sunrise?
  5. Why was it important for Blink to stay awake every night?

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