The Berry Hunt Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a group of friends named Hunt, Read, Fly, Play, Sing, and Eat. They decided to go on an adventure to find the most delicious treat in the forest.
Hunt found a map and led the way, Read carried the book of songs to sing along the way, Fly used his wings to go ahead and scout for the best path, Play brought his instruments to play music and lift their spirits, while Sing and Eat searched for food to munch on.
As they journeyed, they encountered different obstacles but with teamwork, they managed to overcome them and found the most delicious berries in the forest. They sat down and enjoyed the feast while singing and playing music together. The end.


  1. Who led the way in the adventure?
  2. What did Read bring along on the journey?
  3. How did Fly help during the adventure?
  4. What did Play bring to lift their spirits?
  5. Who found the most delicious treat in the forest?
  6. What did they do after finding the treat?

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