The Flying Blanket Picnic

Once upon a time, there was a family who loved to go on picnics. One day, they had a plan to celebrate Father's Day with a big picnic in the park. They woke up early to make a delicious breakfast together and packed their baskets with all their favorite foods. As they were about to leave, the father said, "Let's play a game of catch before we go!" The kids were so excited and ran to get their gloves. They played catch for a while, until the father said, "Time for our picnic!" They all gathered their things and headed to the park. When they arrived, they discovered that they had forgotten the most important thing - the picnic blanket! The father said, "No problem, I'll catch it!" And he jumped up and caught the blanket as it was flying away in the wind. They all laughed and cheered as they spread out the blanket and enjoyed a wonderful Father's Day picnic together.


  1. What did the family plan to do for Father's Day?
  2. What did they forget for their picnic?
  3. How did the father save the day?
  4. How did the family feel about the picnic?
  5. What do you think was the best part of the picnic for the family?

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