The Job Swap Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a small town where all the people had special jobs. The vet took care of animals, the firefighter put out fires, the babysitter watched babies, the police officer caught bad guys, the dentist fixed teeth, and the doctor took care of sick people. One day, the town had a big party and everyone dressed up in their work clothes. But when they all got there, they realized they had left their drinks at home! So, the vet put on a mask and stethoscope and pretended to be the doctor, the firefighter put on a white coat and acted like the dentist, the babysitter put on a badge and acted like the police officer, and so on. They all had so much fun pretending to be someone else, they decided to switch jobs for the day! The doctor fed the animals at the vet, the dentist put out fires, the police officer took care of babies, and so on. It may have been a little chaotic, but it was also a lot of fun! And they all learned that no matter what your job is, you can always have a good time.


  1. What jobs did the people in the town have?
  2. What happened when they all went to the party?
  3. Who pretended to be the doctor?
  4. Who took care of the babies?
  5. What did they learn from swapping jobs?

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