The Adventures of Jumbo the Fuzzy Teddy Bear

A tall, darker man with round glasses walks into a store. He sees a puffy, jumbo, fuzzy teddy bear and falls in love. He buys the bear and takes it home. The next day, he brings the bear to work, but all his coworkers make fun of him for carrying a huge, fuzzy teddy bear. So, the man decides to teach his coworkers a lesson. He leaves the bear at work and when everyone goes home, the bear comes to life! The bear starts wreaking havoc, making messes and scaring everyone. In the end, the man saves the day by using his intelligence and bravery to stop the bear. But from then on, he never brought the bear to work again.


  1. Why did the man bring the teddy bear to work?
  2. How did the coworkers react to the bear?
  3. How did the man save the day?
  4. Why did the man never bring the bear to work again?
  5. What would you have done differently if you were in the man's shoes?

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