The Sweet Solution: A Team Effort

Once upon a time, in a small town, there was a baker named Burt who made the best cakes in town. One day, a doctor came to his shop and said "Burt, I've got a big problem! All my patients are getting sick from the cakes you're making." Burt was shocked and asked for help. So, the doctor, the police officer, the firefighter, the construction worker, and the teacher all came together to solve the problem. They found out that Burt had been using playdough instead of flour! The team worked together to fix the mistake and soon everyone was enjoying delicious, healthy cakes again. The end.


  1. Who was using playdough instead of flour in the story?
  2. What did the doctor tell the baker?
  3. Who came together to help solve the problem in the story?
  4. Why did the patients get sick from the cakes?
  5. What was the solution to the problem in the story?

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