The Magic Tape Adventure of Pencilino

Once upon a time, there was a pencil named Pencilino who always made mistakes. One day, he realized he needed to fix his mistakes and went on a quest to find the best eraser in town. He tried many erasers but none of them worked. He was about to give up when he stumbled upon a magical tape that could fix anything! Excited, Pencilino bought the tape and raced back to his notebook. He used the tape to fix all his mistakes and finally had a clean page. From that day on, Pencilino never made a mistake again and always carried the magical tape with him. The end.


  1. What was Pencilino's problem in the story?
  2. How did Pencilino fix his mistakes?
  3. What did Pencilino find instead of an eraser?
  4. Why was Pencilino never going to make mistakes again?

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