Mittens' Bouncy Stroll

Once upon a time, there was a curious cat named Mittens who loved to go for a stroll in the park. One day, as Mittens was walking, she saw a big, comfy couch sitting all by itself in the middle of the park. Mittens couldn't resist and hopped onto the couch to curl up for a nap. Suddenly, she heard a strange noise and opened her eyes to see a group of squirrels trying to cross the couch to get to a tree on the other side. Mittens decided to help and started to walk across the couch to chase the squirrels away. But as she walked, the couch started to bounce and Mittens found herself jumping up and down. She had so much fun that she decided to make a game out of it and invited all the other animals in the park to come play. From that day on, every time Mittens took a stroll in the park, she would stop by the couch for a jumpy, bouncy adventure.


  1. What did Mittens do when she first saw the couch in the park?
  2. Why did Mittens chase the squirrels away?
  3. How did Mittens turn the couch into a fun adventure?
  4. Who joined Mittens for the bouncy game?
  5. What did Mittens do every time she took a stroll in the park?

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