The Brave Little Bird's Safe Path Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little bird who lived in a cage on a playground. One day, the bird flew out of its cage and saw a pond. The bird followed a path to the pond, but along the way it realized that it wasn't safe. So, the bird came up with a plan. It would use its wings to create a safe path to the pond. And that's exactly what it did! The bird flew around, making sure every step of the path was safe. Finally, it reached the pond and had a great time splashing around. The end.


  1. Why did the bird fly out of its cage?
  2. How did the bird make sure the path to the pond was safe?
  3. Why was the bird brave?
  4. What did the bird do when it reached the pond?
  5. What could have happened if the bird didn't make the path safe?

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