Max's Search for the Meaning of Change

Once upon a time, there was a curious cat named Max. One day, Max decided to venture into the world to see what he could learn. He heard a word that he had never heard before and asked "What does that mean?"

The word was "change", and everyone he asked had a different explanation. Max thought, "How can one word have so many meanings?" So, he set out on a mission to find the true meaning of change.

Max asked a bird, a frog, and even a wise old owl, but they all gave different answers. Frustrated, Max decided to try and change himself to see what it meant. He tried changing his fur color, his voice, and even his tail, but nothing seemed to work.

Just when Max was about to give up, he met a wise old cat who told him, "Change means to become something different, but it also means to stay the same and accept what you are." Max finally understood and was happy to be himself, no matter how he changed.

The end.


  1. What did Max initially think about the word "change"?
  2. How did Max try to change himself?
  3. Who helped Max understand the true meaning of change?
  4. How did Max feel about himself at the end of the story?
  5. What did you learn about the word "change" from this story?

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