The Quiet Band of the Swamp

Once upon a time, there was a whole band of musical animals who lived in a quiet swamp. They loved to play music but never wanted to disturb the peace. One day, they decided to have a big jam session. The frogs played the drums, the birds played the guitar, and the alligators played the trumpet. They played so loudly that the whole swamp shook! Suddenly, they heard a loud CRACK! They stopped playing and saw that a tree had fallen into the swamp. The band quickly sprang into action and used their musical instruments to lift the tree out of the swamp. They played a beautiful song to celebrate their victory. From that day on, the band made sure to play their music in a quieter way so that they wouldn't disturb the peace of the swamp again.


  1. What kind of animals were in the band?
  2. What happened when the band played music too loudly?
  3. Who helped lift the fallen tree from the swamp?
  4. Why did the band need to play quietly from then on?
  5. What can we learn from this story about respecting others and the environment?

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