The Old Bear's Puzzle Adventure

Once upon a time, there was an old bear who loved puzzles. He had a pile of them, but he couldn't keep up with how many he had. One day, he decided to give some away to his friends in the forest. When he counted his pile, he realized he had given away one too many! The old bear was in a dilemma and didn't know what to do. Suddenly, he had an idea! He would put together all the remaining pieces from different puzzles to make a brand new one! And that's exactly what he did. From then on, the old bear made sure to always keep track of his puzzle collection. The end.


  1. Why did the old bear love puzzles?
  2. How did the old bear feel when he realized he had given away one too many puzzles?
  3. What was the old bear's solution to his problem with his puzzle collection?
  4. How did the old bear make sure he didn't lose track of his puzzle collection again?

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