The Amazing Transformation of Eggbert

Once upon a time, there was an egg named Eggbert who lived in a cozy nest inside a big tree. One day, he fell out of the nest and landed in a garden filled with plants. He saw a sprout that had just popped up from the ground and asked, "What are you?" The sprout replied, "I'm a seed that grew into a sprout in the spring." Eggbert was fascinated and asked the sprout how it happened. The sprout explained, "Every fall, I go to sleep as a seed, and in the spring I wake up as a sprout." Eggbert thought it was amazing and wanted to try it himself. So, he pretended to be a seed and closed his eyes. When he opened them, he saw that he had turned into a sprout! Eggbert was so excited that he danced and sang all around the garden. From that day on, he lived happily ever after as a sprout in the spring and an egg in the fall.


  1. What happened to Eggbert when he fell out of the tree?
  2. How did Eggbert become a sprout?
  3. What was Eggbert's reaction when he became a sprout?
  4. What does Eggbert do in spring and fall?
  5. What did the sprout explain about itself to Eggbert?

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