The Robot's New Friend

Once upon a time, in a busy city, there was a building filled with all sorts of goods. One day, the robot in charge of keeping everything organized had a strange idea: he wanted to turn his machine parts into a robot friend!

So, he snuck into the storage room and started putting together his new pal. When he was done, he turned it on and... Oh no! The new robot went on a rampage, knocking over boxes and causing chaos in the building.

The regular robots tried to stop it, but nothing worked. Just then, a little girl walked in, and she had an idea. She turned the rampaging robot around and showed it all the fun things it could do instead of causing trouble.

The new robot was so happy that it started helping the other robots clean up the mess it had made. From that day on, the new robot and the little girl became the best of friends, and they even went on adventures together.

The end.


  1. Why did the robot want to make a new friend?
  2. What did the rampaging robot do when it first came to life?
  3. How did the little girl help the robot become a good friend?
  4. What kind of adventures do you think the robot and the little girl went on together?

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