Benny the Brave Bunny: A Hoppy Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little bunny named Benny who loved to hop and catch things. One day, he saw a giant carrot on top of a tall tree and decided to climb it to get to the carrot. As he was climbing, he realized that he could also juggle some of the branches as he went up. Once he reached the top, he lifted the giant carrot and took a big bite. But, oh no! The carrot was so heavy that it made Benny fall down from the tree! He caught himself with his strong hind legs and started to hop away. When he looked back, he saw that the carrot had turned into a delicious pie! So, he stopped hopping and ate the pie. The end.


1) What did Benny do when he saw the giant carrot on top of the tree?
2) How did Benny get down from the tree after eating the pie?
3) Was Benny brave or scared during his adventure?
4) What did Benny find at the end of his adventure?

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