The Halloween Pirate Trick or Treat Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a building that was said to be haunted by a mischievous ghost. One Halloween, a group of kids dressed up as pirates and decided to trick the ghost by pretending to be his crewmates. They brought a treat as a peace offering, but little did they know the ghost had a trick up his sleeve. When the kids entered the building, the ghost appeared and scared them with a loud "Arrrr!" The kids were so surprised, they dropped their treat and ran out of the building. But then they realized the ghost was just playing along and wanted to join in on the Halloween fun. So, they invited the ghost to come with them and they all went trick-or-treating together, dressed as a pirate crew. The end.


  1. Why did the kids dress up as pirates?
  2. What did the kids bring for the ghost?
  3. How did the ghost react when the kids entered the building?
  4. What happened when the kids ran out of the building?
  5. Who went trick-or-treating together in the end?

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