The Earache Game

Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy who had a cough, a sore throat, and an ache in his knee. He went to the doctor to get checked out. The doctor listened to Timmy's chest, looked in his ears, and examined his knee.

But just as the doctor was about to diagnose Timmy, he suddenly had an earache!

The doctor rubbed his own ear and said, "Well Timmy, it looks like we both have earaches! We better go see the doctor together!"

So Timmy and the doctor went to see another doctor. But that doctor also had an earache! So they all went to see yet another doctor. And guess what? That doctor had an earache too!

They all laughed and decided to play a game of musical chairs, but instead of chairs, they used stethoscopes. They passed the stethoscope around, each taking turns being the doctor. And by the end of the game, everyone's earaches were gone!

The moral of the story: Sometimes, all you need is a little fun to feel better.


  1. Why did Timmy go to the doctor?
  2. How many doctors did Timmy and the first doctor see before finding one without an earache?
  3. What did they do to cure their earaches?
  4. What did they use instead of chairs in the game they played?
  5. What was the moral of the story?

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