The Great Backpack Burst Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a kid named Timmy who had the biggest teeth you've ever seen! One day, Timmy went to school with his best friend, Billy. Timmy packed his backpack with all the things he needed for the day: breakfast, pencil, and paper. But as they walked to school, Timmy's backpack suddenly burst open, and all of its contents scattered everywhere! Timmy's breakfast flew out and landed on a passing dog, the pencils rolled down the street, and the papers fluttered away in the wind. Timmy and Billy tried to catch everything, but it was too late. Just then, a big gust of wind blew the papers into a tree. Timmy and Billy climbed up to retrieve them, and when they finally got back down, they saw that the pencils had been picked up by a group of squirrels! They chased the squirrels, trying to get their pencils back, but the squirrels were too quick. Timmy and Billy couldn't help but laugh at their silly adventure. They eventually got their things back and made it to school, but they never forgot the funny story of the day they lost their breakfast and pencils to some mischievous squirrels.


  1. What do you think Timmy and Billy learned from their adventure?
  2. How do you think the squirrels felt about taking the pencils?
  3. What would you have done if you were in Timmy and Billy's place?
  4. What do you think was the most funny part of the story?
  5. How do you think Timmy and Billy’s school day went after their adventure?

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