Sprout's Adventure: Growing Strong with Soil, Sunlight, and Love

Once upon a time, there was a little plant named Sprout. Sprout lived in a pot and always dreamed of growing tall and strong. One day, Sprout said to me, "Please give me some soil and sunlight. I want to grow!"
I replied, "Of course, Sprout! You just need to drink plenty of water and soak up the sunshine."
So, every day I made sure Sprout had enough water and sunlight. And soon, Sprout grew taller and stronger, putting down roots into the soil.
But one day, Sprout said, "I want to give back to the world. Can you please help me find a new home in the ground?"
I happily obliged, and together we found a perfect patch of soil for Sprout to call home. And Sprout continued to grow and thrive, spreading joy and beauty wherever it went.
The end.


  1. What did Sprout need to grow?
  2. What did Sprout want to do after it grew strong?
  3. How did Sprout spread joy and beauty?
  4. What could you do to help a plant grow?

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