Jane's Grand Adventure

Once there was a plain old lady named Jane who lived in the desert. One day, she decided to go on a grand adventure to explore the world.

First, she travelled to the ocean and met a group of lively dolphins who showed her how to swim and play. Next, she journeyed to the tundra where she befriended a polar bear who taught her how to ice skate.

Afterward, she visited the rainforest where she learned about different types of exotic animals and plants from a wise old parrot. Finally, she climbed up a mountain and met a wise old owl who gave her the best advice of all: "Life is an adventure, enjoy it!"

And so, Jane went back to her home in the desert and lived happily ever after, always remembering the lessons she learned from her new friends.


  1. Who was Jane and where did she live?
  2. What did the dolphins show Jane how to do at the ocean?
  3. What did the polar bear teach Jane in the tundra?
  4. What advice did the wise old owl give Jane on the mountain?
  5. What did Jane learn from her adventures?

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