The Sheep's Tricky Truth

Once upon a time in a green meadow, there lived a group of sheep. One day, a sly wolf came to the meadow and tried to trick the sheep.

He told the sheep that he had lost his way and needed their help. The sheep, being kind, helped the wolf and showed him the way back to his home.

The next day, the wolf came back and told the sheep that there was a big feast waiting for them in his home. The sheep, being naive, followed the wolf to his home.

But when they got there, the wolf locked them up in a cage and said that he was going to eat them for dinner. The sheep realized that the wolf was a liar and started to panic.

Just then, one smart sheep came up with an idea. He told the wolf that if he could run faster than the sheep, he could have them all for dinner. The wolf agreed and the race began.

The sheep ran as fast as they could, but the wolf was faster. Just when the wolf was about to catch the sheep, the sheep ran into a nearby barn and hid behind a haystack.

The wolf searched high and low for the sheep but couldn't find them. So, he gave up and went back home, defeated. The sheep waited for a while and then ran back to the meadow, where they told everyone the truth about the wolf.

From that day on, the sheep were always careful when dealing with wolves and made sure to always tell the truth. The end.


  1. Why did the sheep help the wolf when he said he was lost?
  2. Why did the sheep follow the wolf to his home?
  3. How did the sheep escape from the wolf's plan to eat them for dinner?
  4. Why was it important for the sheep to tell the truth about the wolf?

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