Jack's Seasonal Adventure

Once upon a time, in a winter wonderland, there was a little boy named Jack. He loved the snow and the wind, but he also wished for sunnier days. One day, the wind whispered to him, "Jack, I have a surprise for you." And with that, the wind took Jack on a magical journey through the seasons.

They visited spring, where the flowers were blooming and the birds were chirping. They played with the sun in summer, soaking up its warmth and taking dips in the ocean. In fall, they jumped into piles of leaves and ate juicy apples from the trees.

Finally, they returned to winter, where the snow was falling once again. But this time, Jack was grateful for the snow and the wind, because he knew that each season brings its own special magic. And so, he lived happily ever after, embracing each season for all its wonders.


  1. What did Jack love about winter?
  2. What did the wind promise Jack?
  3. What are some things that Jack did in each season?
  4. How did Jack feel about each season after his journey?
  5. What lessons did Jack learn about the seasons?

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