The Broken-Shell Comedy Show

Once upon a time, there was a little turtle named Timmy who loved to crack jokes. One day, while taking a walk, he fell and broke his shell. His friends, a rabbit with big paws and a horse with strong hooves, helped him to the doctor. The doctor said Timmy had a fever and needed to rest. To cheer Timmy up, his friends decided to put on a comedy show for him. They cracked silly jokes, used their paws and hooves to make funny gestures, and even used Timmy's broken shell as a prop. Timmy laughed so hard, his fever broke! And from that day on, the three friends put on comedy shows for all the animals in the forest. The End.


  1. Why did Timmy fall and break his shell?
  2. What did the doctor say about Timmy's condition?
  3. How did Timmy's friends cheer him up?
  4. How did Timmy's broken shell help in the comedy show?
  5. Who else enjoyed the comedy show at the end of the story?

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