The Unplanned Shop-Stay-Eat Adventure!

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Sarah who wanted to go on an adventure. She decided she would go shopping, but she didn't want to drive by herself. So she asked her best friend, a talking cat named Mittens, to come along.
When they arrived at the store, Sarah realized she had forgotten her wallet at home. Mittens suggested they could eat anything they wanted and stay in the store as long as they liked. So, they did just that!
They tried all the different foods in the store and even had a picnic on one of the shelves. They played hide-and-seek and had so much fun that they lost track of time.
When they finally remembered they needed to leave, they realized the store was closed and they were stuck inside overnight. But they made the best of it and had a sleepover filled with even more fun and games.
In the morning, they finally drove home, exhausted but happy from their adventure. And they promised to never forget their wallets again.


  1. What did Sarah and Mittens do when they realized they were stuck in the store overnight?
  2. What did Sarah and Mittens promise to never forget again?
  3. Why did Sarah and Mittens have so much fun at the store?
  4. How did Mittens help Sarah during their adventure?
  5. What would you have done if you were in Sarah and Mittens' shoes?

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