Famous Snout: The Shaggy Dog's Journey to Fame

Once upon a time, there was a shaggy dog named Spot who lived in India. Spot wanted to be famous, so he decided to go on a journey to find fame. He found a coat that made him look very special and set off on his adventure.

Along the way, Spot met many animals who asked him why he was wearing such a fancy coat. Spot replied, "I'm on a quest for fame!" The animals laughed and said, "But you already have a famous snout! Everyone knows you as the shaggy dog with the wiggly nose."

Spot realized that he didn't need to look for fame, he already had it. So he took off his coat and went back home, wagging his shaggy tail and wiggling his famous snout. From that day on, Spot was known as the happy and famous shaggy dog of India!


  • What is the name of the dog in the story?
  • What did Spot want to be famous for?
  • Why did Spot wear a coat on his journey?
  • What did the animals tell Spot while he was on his journey?
  • What did Spot realize about his fame?

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