The Floatiest Marble: A Fun Tale of Adventure in a Bowl of Water

Once upon a time, there was a curious little marble named Mike. One day, he rolled into a big bowl of water and discovered he could float! He was so excited that he started floating all around the bowl, playing with his friends and having a great time.

Later, Mike saw an apple floating by and decided to have a race with it. He chased after the apple, but as he got close, it suddenly sank to the bottom of the bowl. Mike didn't understand why the apple sank while he could float, so he asked his friends for help.

They told him that the apple was heavier than the water and that's why it sank. Mike thought about this for a moment and then had an idea. He rolled over to a nearby watermelon and said, "Hey there! I bet I can float better than you!"

The watermelon took the challenge and they both jumped into the water. But just like the apple, the watermelon started to sink. Mike laughed and said, "I guess I really am the best floater in this bowl!" And from that day on, he was known as the floatiest marble in all the land.


  1. Why did the apple and watermelon sink while Mike the marble was able to float?
  2. What do you think Mike was feeling when he discovered he could float?
  3. Why did Mike challenge the watermelon to a floating contest?
  4. Why do you think Mike became known as the floatiest marble in the bowl of water?

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