Wiggy the Wiggly Worm and the Night-time Flight

Once upon a time, there was a little wiggly worm named Wiggy. One night, he went for a walk with his flashlight and saw many strange shadows. Suddenly, he heard a loud crack! Wiggy was so scared that he started to wiggle faster. But then he heard a howl, and he knew it was just a friendly wolf. "Don't be afraid," said the wolf, "I'm just out for a flight." So Wiggy and the wolf flew into the night sky, shining their flashlights and making shadows on the ground below. They had so much fun that they decided to make it a regular night-time adventure. The end.


  • What was Wiggy feeling when he heard the crack?
  • How did the wolf make Wiggy feel better?
  • What did Wiggy and the wolf do during their night-time adventure?
  • What did they use to light up the sky?
  • Why did Wiggy and the wolf decide to make their adventure a regular thing?

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