The Fin Who Wanted Arms and Wings

Once upon a time, there was a fin who lived in the ocean. He was a strong swimmer, but he always felt like something was missing. Then one day, he met an animal who lived on land and had arms and wings. The fin was so envious of this animal's ability to move on both land and air, so he decided to try it out for himself.

He went to a wise old wizard who lived in the deep sea and asked for help. The wizard gave him a potion that would give him flippers and wings, but warned him that he would only have them for one day.

The fin was overjoyed and immediately went to land to try out his new abilities. He flapped his wings and swam with his flippers, but soon realized that he wasn't very good at either. He tried to fly, but kept falling down. He tried to swim on land, but just ended up splashing around.

Just as the sun was setting, the spell wore off and the fin turned back into his normal self. But even though he was back to being just a regular fin, he was still happy. He realized that he was strong in his own way and didn't need arms or wings to be special.

From that day on, the fin was known as the bravest and strongest swimmer in the whole ocean. And every now and then, when he was feeling especially brave, he would splash around on land just for fun.


  1. What did the fin want that other animals had?
  2. What happened when the fin got what he wanted?
  3. What did the fin learn by the end of the story?
  4. Why was the fin still happy even though he didn't have arms and wings anymore?
  5. What makes you special, even if you don't have something someone else has?

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