The Shiny Mirror Tree: A Chinese Garden Tale

Once upon a time in a Chinese garden, there was a tree that was always feeling down. One day, a rock asked the tree why it was so sad. The tree replied, "I feel like I'm not special. I just stand here while everyone else gets to play in the water or look at themselves in the mirror." The rock thought for a moment and said, "Well, why don't you become the mirror of the garden?" And so, the tree used its shiny leaves to reflect the sun and became known as the shining mirror tree. From then on, all the animals in the garden would stop by to admire their reflection. The tree was no longer sad and was proud to be unique in its own way. The end.


  • What made the tree feel sad before it became the mirror of the garden?
  • How did the rock help the tree?
  • Why was the tree proud to be unique in its own way?
  • What did all the animals in the garden do?

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