The Camping Trip with a Fishy Twist

Once upon a time, there was a group of friends who loved to go camping. They packed their tent, cooking gear, and sleeping bags and headed to the forest. When they arrived, they set up camp and decided to go fishing. After fishing, they were getting ready to cook their dinner when they realized they had forgotten to bring a picture to hang on their tent wall. So, they decided to make a picture using the fish they caught. They arranged the fish into a funny face and took a picture. They hung the picture up in their tent and laughed every time they looked at it. From that day on, they always remembered to bring a picture with them on their camping trips. The end.


  1. What did the friends forget to bring on their camping trip?
  2. How did they make a picture for their tent?
  3. Why did they laugh every time they looked at the picture?

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