The Flag-Making King: Tim's Summer Adventure

Once upon a time there was a little boy named Tim. Tim loved every season but his favorite was summer. He lived in a small village where they had a flag festival every year. It was a big party where all the villagers came together to celebrate their love for their country.

One day Tim decided to make his own flag. He thought hard about what symbol would best represent him and finally decided on his initials "T.I.". He drew the letters on his flag and added some colorful designs around it.

The day of the flag festival arrived and Tim was so excited to show off his flag. When he arrived at the party, he was amazed to see so many beautiful flags! But when it was time to judge the best flag, Tim's flag was chosen as the winner! Everyone was surprised and asked Tim how he made such a beautiful flag. Tim simply said, "I just used my favorite symbol, my initials!"

And from that day on, Tim was known as the flag-making king of the village. And every summer, the villagers would have a big party to celebrate their love for their country and Tim's amazing flag-making skills. The end.


  1. What was Tim's favorite season?
  2. Why did Tim make his own flag?
  3. What symbol did Tim choose for his flag?
  4. How did Tim feel when his flag was chosen as the winner at the festival?
  5. How did Tim become known as the "Flag-Making King"?

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