Peck the Winter Survival Expert

Once upon a time, when winter came, some birds had to migrate to survive. But one bird named Peck didn't want to leave because he loved winter. So, he decided to stay and find ways to survive.

The other birds warned Peck that it would be tough to survive the winter, but Peck was determined. He started gathering food, building a cozy nest, and wrapping himself in feathers to stay warm.

One day, Peck saw other birds flying south for the winter. They asked Peck why he wasn't coming with them, and Peck proudly showed them his preparations. But they still worried for him and offered to help. They brought Peck some extra food and made sure his nest was snug and warm.

Peck survived the winter just fine and was happy to see the other birds return in the spring. They were amazed at how well Peck had done on his own and asked him to teach them his survival skills.

From then on, Peck became known as the "Winter Survival Expert" and every year, when winter came, the birds would gather around Peck to learn how to survive the cold season.

And that's the story of how Peck the bird taught everyone the importance of creativity and determination to survive the winter.


  1. What did Peck do to survive the winter?
  2. Why did the other birds offer to help Peck?
  3. What did Peck become known for after surviving the winter?
  4. What did Peck teach the other birds about surviving winter?
  5. How did Peck's determination help him survive winter?

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