The Strongest Doughnut: A Lesson in Smarts

Once upon a time, there was a great number of doughnuts. They all lived in a big, delicious bakery. One day, the ten strongest doughnuts decided to go on an adventure. They climbed up to the top of a tall, tall tower to see who was the strongest of them all.

As they reached the top, they realized that there was only one problem - there was no way down! The ten strong doughnuts had to come up with a plan quickly. Suddenly, Zero, the smallest and weakest doughnut, came up with a great idea.

Zero said, "I may be small and weak, but I am much smarter than all of you combined." And with that, he jumped off the tower and..... floated down to the ground! The ten strong doughnuts were amazed.

"How did you do that?" they asked.

"I am a zero-gravity doughnut," laughed Zero. "I'm much stronger than I look!"

And with that, the ten strong doughnuts learned a valuable lesson - it's not just about being strong, sometimes it's about being smart too. From that day forward, the ten strong doughnuts and Zero became the best of friends and went on many more adventures together.


  1. Who was Zero in the story and what did he teach the other doughnuts?
    1. What did the ten strong doughnuts learn from Zero?
    2. What was the most important lesson in the story?
    3. How did Zero show that he was stronger than the other doughnuts?
    4. How are the ten strong doughnuts and Zero different from each other?

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