The Steady Tortoise and the Bragging Hare

Once upon a time, there was a hare who loved to brag about how fast he was. One day, the hare challenged the tortoise to a race. The hare said, "I'll give you a head start, but I'll still pass you in no time." The tortoise agreed, and the race began.
The hare took off quickly, but he soon became complacent and started taking naps along the way. Meanwhile, the tortoise kept a steady pace and never stopped moving forward.
After a while, the hare woke up and realized that the tortoise was much closer than he thought. The hare tried to pick up the pace, but it was too late. The tortoise crossed the finish line first and won the race!
The hare was surprised and a little embarrassed, but he learned an important lesson about the value of steady and consistent effort. From that day on, the hare never bragged about his speed again, and instead focused on working hard and doing his best.


  1. What did the hare do before the race started?
  2. Why did the tortoise win the race?
  3. What did the hare learn from losing the race?
  4. How could you apply the lesson of the hare and the tortoise to your life?

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