The Bigger Pile Lesson

Once upon a time, there were two friends named Tim and Jim. They loved to play together and share their toys. But one day, they couldn't agree on how to split their toy pile evenly. Tim wanted to split everything in half while Jim wanted to share everything equally.

Tim got mad and said, "I want the bigger side!" Jim replied, "No, I want the bigger side!" They continued to argue until they decided to see who could make the biggest pile.

They both started grabbing toys and putting them into separate piles. They worked quickly, but they soon realized that they had forgotten the most important thing... to have fun! They started laughing and decided to split the piles equally.

From that day on, Tim and Jim learned to always have fun and share their toys equally. The end.


  1. Why did Tim and Jim argue about splitting their toy pile?
  2. How did they solve their problem in the end?
  3. What did Tim and Jim learn from their experience?
  4. What would you have done if you were in their shoes?
  5. Why is it important to share and have fun when playing with friends?

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