The Farmer and the Little Green Alien.

Once upon a time, there was a farmer named Tim who lived on a farm near a street. One day, while he was working in the field, a little green alien landed on his farm. Tim was so surprised that he couldn't ask the alien what he wanted. The alien saw Tim and started to chase him. He ran down the street and into his house. The alien followed him and they both ran around the house until they were too tired to run anymore. The alien then asked Tim if he could help him find his way back home. Tim agreed and helped the alien get back to his spaceship. They became good friends and Tim would visit the alien every week to play games and learn about space. The end.


  • Who was the main character in the story?
  • What did the little green alien look like?
  • Why did Tim start running from the alien?
  • How did Tim and the alien become friends?
  • Where did the alien come from?

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