Mittens' Musical Adventure: A Tale of Practice, Panic, and a Reminder to Remember.

Once upon a time, there was a forgetful cat named Mittens who lived in a cozy little house. Every day, Mittens would practice playing the piano, but often got so caught up in the music that she forgot what time it was.
One day, Mittens set an alarm to remind her when it was time for her afternoon nap. But when the alarm went off, Mittens was so startled that she jumped up and tried to escape the noise! She ran out of the house and into the park in a panic, not remembering where she lived.
As she wandered around the park, she stumbled upon a wise old owl sitting on a tree branch. The owl gave her a tip: "If you want to remember where you live, just close your eyes and think about your favorite thing."
Mittens closed her eyes and thought about playing the piano. Suddenly, she remembered exactly where she lived! She ran back to her house, grateful for the owl's advice.
From that day on, Mittens remembered to turn off her alarm before it scared her, and always remembered where she lived, even after practicing the piano for hours. The end.


  1. What was Mittens' favorite activity in the story?
  2. What did Mittens forget to do before her alarm went off?
  3. Who helped Mittens remember where she lived?
  4. What was the tip that the owl gave Mittens to remember where she lived?
  5. Did Mittens ever forget where she lived again after the owl's advice?

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