The Tooth-tastic Adventure of Lisa and the Dentist

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lisa who had a big problem. Her teeth were always getting cavities. So she went to the dentist's office to get them filled. But the dentist's tool broke while he was filling her tooth. He didn't know what to do! Then, Lisa had an idea. "Come on, my friend," she said. "We'll use my cleaning tools to fix the problem." The dentist was hesitant, but Lisa was determined. They went to her house and found a toothbrush, a flosser, and a toothpick. They worked together and finally got the filling in. From that day on, the dentist and Lisa became the best of friends and solved all the dental problems in their town. The end.


  1. What was the problem with Lisa's teeth?
  2. What happened to the dentist's tool while he was filling her tooth?
  3. What did Lisa use to help fix the problem?
  4. How did Lisa and the dentist become friends?
  5. Can you think of a time when you solved a problem with a friend?

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