The Cheerful Mouse and Her Burrow of Fun

Once upon a time, there was a group of animals who loved to cheer and gather. One day, they found a burrow deep in the shadow of a tree. They were all worried about what might be inside, but then they heard a soft voice say "It's just me, a little mouse, come on in and have some fun!" The animals all grinned and went inside, where they danced and cheered until the sun went down. From that day forward, they visited the mouse in her burrow every day and had a great time together. The end!


  1. Why were the animals worried about the burrow?
  2. How did the animals feel after they found out what was in the burrow?
  3. What did the animals do in the burrow every day?
  4. What did the mouse teach the animals about having fun?
  5. What is the moral of the story?

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