The Adventure of Fresh: A Bloomin' Tale

Once upon a time, there was a seedling named Fresh. Fresh always wanted to know how and when it would bloom. One day, it asked the soil, "How will I bloom?" The soil replied, "Just wait and see." So, Fresh waited and waited, but nothing happened. Then one day, Fresh saw a beautiful flower blooming out of the soil and asked, "How did you bloom so beautifully?" The flower replied, "I just let go and let nature take its course." From that day on, Fresh let go and finally bloomed, becoming the most beautiful flower in the garden.


  • What did Fresh want to know about blooming?
  • What did the soil tell Fresh about blooming?
  • What did the flower tell Fresh about blooming?
  • How did Fresh finally bloom?
  • Why did Fresh become the most beautiful flower in the garden?

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