Jerry the Jug: The Well Water Win

Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a jug named Jerry. He was always up for some fun and adventure. One day, he heard that the villagers were going to gather at the well to fetch water. Jerry decided to join them. When they got there, they saw a burro named Benny drinking all the water from the well. The villagers were upset and tried to stop him, but he wouldn't listen.

Jerry had an idea! He approached Benny and said, "Hey buddy, why don't you let us have some of the water too?" Benny replied, "I'm not sharing, it's all for me!" So, Jerry challenged him to a race. If Benny won, he could keep all the water. If Jerry won, then he would share the water with the villagers.

Benny agreed, and the race began. They ran around the village as fast as they could. Just when it seemed like Benny was about to win, Jerry tripped him with his jug. Benny fell to the ground, and Jerry won the race.

The villagers cheered and gathered around Jerry, thanking him for sharing the water with them. From that day on, Benny learned to be more generous, and Jerry became known as the hero of the village.


  • What was the problem in the village at the beginning of the story?
  • Who challenged Benny to a race?
  • Why did Jerry trip Benny?
  • How did the villagers react to Jerry winning the race?
  • What lesson did Benny learn from the story?

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