Max Learns Manners

Once upon a time, there was a man named Max. Max never learned manners from his parents and would burp loudly in public. One day, he met a wise old man who asked him, "Max, why do you think it's okay to be rude?" Max replied, "I don't know. I just never learned any better." The wise old man said, "Well, it's never too late to learn! You can start by saying 'excuse me' after you burp." So, Max started practicing good manners and soon became known as the most polite man in town. From then on, whenever Max burped, he would say, "Excuse me," with a huge smile on his face. The end.


  1. Why did Max burp loudly in public before meeting the wise old man?
  2. How did the wise old man help Max learn manners?
  3. What was the result of Max practicing good manners?
  4. What lesson did Max learn about manners and politeness?

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