The Great Hump Debate

Once upon a time, there was a pig named Porky who lived in the desert. One day, he met a camel named Sammy. Porky said to Sammy, "I bet you are the tallest animal in the desert." Sammy replied, "No way! I have a hump on my back!" Porky laughed and said, "That doesn't make you tall, it makes you short!" From that day on, Porky and Sammy became the best of friends. They would run around the desert, play games and tell silly jokes. The end.


  1. Why did Porky think he was taller than Sammy?
  2. What did Sammy say about his hump?
  3. How did Porky and Sammy become friends?
  4. What did Porky and Sammy like to do together?

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