Timmy the Tree Learns the Power of Change

Once upon a time, there was a tree named Timmy. Timmy loved fall because all the leaves would change color and fall to the ground. But Timmy was not like other trees, he was always worried about making a change in the world. One day, as Timmy was going through his usual cycle of losing his leaves, he had an important realization. He realized that the changing of his leaves was making a change in the world! The leaves were creating a carpet of beautiful colors on the ground. From that day forward, Timmy was no longer worried about making a change. Instead, he was proud to be a part of the cycle of life and the changing of the seasons. The end.


  1. What was Timmy worried about before he had his realization?
  2. Why was Timmy proud after his realization?
  3. What is the cycle of life that Timmy became a part of?
  4. What is the message of the story?

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